
On April 15, we said good-bye to dear little Brucie. He was the cutest little guy who was so happy to greet each day. He always had a tail wag and a joyous spirit of enthusiasm. Brucie had recently lost his companion and had been spending a lot of time alone, which he didn’t like. And then an angel named Marilyn appeared, who opened up her home and her heart to little Brucie. Her three boys–Benji, Bizoo and H’Appy (all ElderDog dogs)–welcomed Brucie with open hearts and paws. It was like Brucie had always been with them, and he was finally part of a family again. Brucie thrived in his new home, and quickly became a part of all of their hearts. He had furry companions and a new human companion who loved him unconditionally. He hung out with the other boys, smelled the salt air, and enjoyed every minute of his new life. Sadly, he became very ill, very quickly and we had to say good-bye. Our heartfelt sympathy to Marilyn for the enormous sorrow she is feeling and also to her boys who miss their little buddy. Rest easy Brucie. You will never be forgotten.