
2007 – 2022

While it was so painful to say goodbye to Sherman just shy of his 15th birthday, I am fortunate to have shared such joy, friendship and unconditional love for so many years.

I don’t know what I would have done without the exceptional volunteers from ElderDog who made it possible for me to go to work and not worry about his care.

Throughout his life, Sherman brought the best people into my life, drawing them in with his stellar looks and loving energy. He brought so many smiles to those we would pass in the street.

Sherman was an Emotional Support Animal (EMA) and did such a great job of calming my anxiety that he often amazed the people around us. I’m a musician and it helped so much to have him with me on the stage or in the recording studio. He lived with me in many places – from Los Angeles to North Carolina to Georgia until I returned to Canada and we eventually settled in Victoria, B.C.

But what I will never forget are all the fun times. Sherman performing ‘zoomies’ by spinning in circles, playing hide and seek with me around a large tree trunk, taking a running dive to bury his head in the snow. In steamy Savannah, GA, he often cooled off by jumping into the historic city’s beautiful fountains. And he loved to go down slides, delighting children on playgrounds in return for a treat. He was a true Showman!

Thanks to Sherman, I always felt protected and loved. I was never lonely. He was my best friend, and memories of him will continue to comfort me.

Brenda Morie

  • 2022