Smukke touched many hearts. His companion, Henny Andersen:
Miss him every moment of the day. So strange to not have him begging for food and waiting by the door as soon as I reach for my coat.

“Smukke” is a Danish name and it translates to “handsome”. He was a good looking boy, but he was sweet and oh so clever.

ElderDog volunteer, Bev DeJong:
I had the privilege of walking him for two years off and on and he was a joy. I always let him tell me where he wanted to go and every walk was an adventure. He had many different routes and always knew his way home.

When you arrived to pick him up, he was raring to go! Most days he headed for the park by his house, did his business, and then decided on his route for the day.

He loved sniffing but when he walked he had a dandy pace and I knew I had my walk for the day!

This little guy touched my heart and brought me immeasurable joy. I miss him, but so appreciate that I was able to be one of his dog walkers and I am sure he will be happy in Doggie Heaven!

  • 2024