
August 2, 2007 – July 8, 2020

Henry, a distinguished 13-year old American Cocker Spaniel, lost his battle to cancer. When Henry was adopted through ElderDog this past February, both he and his driver, Bruce, gained a lot of attention when his trip from Toronto, ON to Truro, NS was posted on Facebook.

As soon as Paul and Crystal saw their new fur baby, they fell in love. Henry wanted to be next to his person at all times so it came as no surprise that he was Paul’s constant shadow. Henry’s deafness didn’t stop him from enjoying his many walks, car rides, going to the beach, and relaxing in the yard or the sun deck.
Retirement in the Maritimes wasn’t long for Henry but, in the short time he was with them, Paul and Crystal gave him all the love and attention he wanted and in turn, he brought great joy to them.

RIP Henry. Happy is waiting for you on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.