
My boyfriend and I had the privilege of becoming long-term fosters to Midget, or as we called her, Midgey, through Elderdog in April 2014. We were originally going to foster her for two weeks until another home was found for her, but after finding out that she had cancer, we knew right away that we did not want to say goodbye to her. The last eight months with her have been amazing. We learned quickly that she loved walks at Shubie Park, car rides, and relaxing with Matt and me, and our cat, Bandi. She fit in so well with our family; we couldn’t have asked for a better companion. We sadly had to say goodbye to her on Dec. 4, 2014. Her illness had progressed and we knew the pain was too much for her. We miss her terribly, but we know that she is in a better place. She may have only been with us for eight months, but we loved her as if she were with us for a lifetime. Thank you to Lynn from ElderDog for bringing her into our lives.

  • 2014